Repairing a Split Earlobe: Post-Op Care

Whether caused by trauma, large earrings, or congenital conditions, a split earlobe can be due to a variety of issues, and it can lead to embarrassment or simply the inability to wear the earring you want.

The good news is that it can be treated surgically and return your ears to their original appearance.

But before you schedule an appointment, let’s look at the procedure and what is involved in the recovery process.

Reversing Split Earlobes

Split earlobe surgery or earlobe reduction is a fairly simple procedure. It’s an outpatient surgery, so once it’s done, you can leave immediately.

The surgery begins with a local anesthetic being applied to the ear. If the earlobe is torn, the torn edges will be trimmed and then sutured together. Dr. Falcon will then measure the treated ear to make sure both your ears are the same size and shape.

If you have stretched earlobes or are in need of a gauge repair, the repair is done by removing a small triangle-shaped piece of tissue from the earlobe. The edges of the hole in the ear are then pulled back together and sutured, giving you a smooth, rounded earlobe.

This procedure is typically covered by insurance if it is classified as a complex or traumatic repair. Otherwise, it’s considered a cosmetic procedure.

Post-Surgical Care

There is very little recovery involved after split earlobe surgery. Dr. Falcon will provide information on properly caring for the wounds following the surgery. For the first hour or two after the procedure, your ear will be numb until the anesthetic wears off. Once it wears off, you may feel some discomfort for the first 1-2 days, but you can use over-the-counter pain medication.

Keeping the wound dry for the first 24 to 48 hours is crucial. Daily wound care and scar cream may also be advised to minimize scarring.

Additionally, you will want to sleep with your head elevated and avoid lifting heavy objects or performing any strenuous activities for one week to help with swelling.

As the scar ages and heals, it will begin to become less noticeable. Your earlobe should be fully healed after six weeks, and then you can get it re-pierced if you want. That said, the piercing should be placed in a different location so you can avoid developing more scar tissue.

Schedule A Consultation

If you’re affected by split earlobes or an expanded piercing, Dr. Falcon at Falcon Plastic Surgery is here to help. He will listen to your concerns, examine the ear, and then build the right treatment plan for you.

To schedule a consultation today, call our Natrona Heights or Monroeville office at 724-226-3900 or use our online scheduling form.

Who are we?

Falcon Plastic Surgery, located in Monroeville and Natrona Heights, PA, provides facial, breast, and body contouring through plastic surgery and med spa treatments. Dr. Christopher Falcon, owner of Falcon Plastic Surgery, purchased the practice from his father in 2017. Dr. Falcon has been a practicing surgeon for 15 years.

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